Videos List

Videos List

In the "Videos" section, you can upload and manage your Videos. Your video files are uploaded to Yodeck and then are made available to your monitors, or you can use YouTube videos by proving their link.

The Videos listing provides the following columns:

Please note that if you are accessing Yodeck from a mobile device, some columns may not be visible to save space
  • "Name" is the name of the video, which you set. This is used to identify the video, and it is shown in video lists in other sections. If the video is from YouTube, the YouTube logo is displayed right next to the Name of the video.
  • "Description" is a description of the video, which you set. This usually includes more details on the video, any notes you want to save, etc. This can also be blank.
  • "Uploaded" is the date and time the video was last uploaded. If you update the video with a different file or a different YouTube URL, this field will be updated to show when the last video file/URL change took place.
  • "Preview" shows a thumbnail of the video. If you click on the thumbnail, a pop-up will show you the video you uploaded in low resolution. If it is a YouTube video, then the YouTube player is shown.
  • "Actions" shows 4 buttons:
  • An edit button, with which you can edit the details of the video or change it.
  • A duplicate button, with which you can copy the video.
  • A red trash button, with which you can permanently delete the video. Keep in mind that Yodeck cannot delete videos from YouTube. 
  • A move to other Workspace button, with which you move the playlist to another Workspace. (Available only on the Enterprise plan)
IMPORTANT: If you delete an entry, it will be automatically removed from anywhere it is currently used! Make sure you do not need it!
Additionally, the Videos listing has the standard controls all listings have:
  • The "Show X Videos" dropdown menu allows you to determine the number of videos you want to be shown in the listing. You can set it to any of 10, 25, 50, 100 and ALL records.

  • The "Search" field allows you to search for an video. The "Search" looks into all texts of the listing, including "Name", "Description" and "Uploaded" columns.

  • The "Refresh" button (located discreetly at the top-right corner of the listing) allows you to refresh the listing to make sure it is up to date. You will rarely use this function, as all data is automatically refreshed every time you open this page.

  • In the bottom part of the page, you will find information for the total number of videos ("Showing X to Y of Z entries"), as well as controls for navigating to the next or previous batch of videos..

Finally, at the bottom of the page, the two "+ Add Video / YouTube / PowerPoint" button allows you to add a video to Yodeck.

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